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Day by Day Art Journaling - Autumn 2019
Introduction to the Day by Day course.
Introduction and Product List. (15:59)
Your own colour palette. (5:07)
BONUS: Make your book. (16:59)
About Kasia Avery
Facebook Group
BONUS: Tracker
Day 1
Day 1 - Setting up your space. (18:14)
Day 2
Day 2 - Finding the time. (21:10)
Day 3
Day 3 - Why should you art journal? (16:19)
Day 4
Day 4 - How to stop comparing yourself. (26:48)
BONUS: Inteview with Naked Carly.
Day 5
Day 5 - The mindful process. (13:33)
Day 6
Day 6 - The inner critic and your own expectations. (8:23)
Facebook Live Recording
Day 7
Day 7 - Imaginative collage exercise. (3:08)
Day 8
Day 8 - The variety of inspiration. (17:30)
Day 9
Day 9 - Dealing with the judgment of others. (24:26)
Day 10
Day 10 - Working with others. (12:33)
BONUS cooperation with Finnabair. (12:20)
Day 11
Day 11 - Getting inspired by others. (17:43)
Facebook Live Recording
Day 12
Day 12 - Perfectionism and doing ugly. (10:46)
Day 13
Day 13 - The blank page. (13:03)
Day 14
Day 14 - Observing. (19:35)
Day 15
Day 15 - Your own transformation and change. (11:32)
What's going to happen next?
Day 11 - Getting inspired by others.
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